
Die Motivation zur App

How to use Forsa Laptime Manager bei Youtube

The goal of the app is to give you a legal advantage in Forza Motorsport multiplayer. You have only a very short time to choose your tuning or your vehicle between the races. Since you always don't know exactly how fast you are with which car on which track, the app comes in the game. You enter your lap times during your tests of your tunings.
You can then use the app's overview to quickly and easily show your fastest laps while you are playing Forza Motorsport Multiplayer. Simply click the filter for Class and select a track in the app. There you go... now you are knowing on which track with wich tuning you are best. ;-)

Short Description

A short description what the app is offering
How to use Forsa Laptime Manager bei Youtube

Manage Tunings

Adding a new Tuning

  • Enter the vehicle name.
  • if there is no tuning for the entered car, the system will automatically open a Dialog to enter a new Tuning
  • If there are tunings for your selected car, then you will be able to add a new tuning by pressing the + Buttin in the top of the screen.
  • Enter the name of the Tuning
  • Select The Class
  • Klick add to save the new Tuning

Delete Tunings / or add Additional TuningData

  • To see the menu Icons just press the Tuning Entry in the List for a few seconds
  • By pressing the Carbage Button, the Tunig will be deleted.
    Attention: The fastest Laps which are entered with this tuning are also deleted.
  • By pressing then Mit einem Klick auf den Pfeil nach links kommt man zurück.
  • By pressing the Edit Button you have the ability to enter additional Tuningdata.

Record Lap Times

Selecting Car, Tuning and Track

  • Select the Car, if this car haven't a Tuning yet the New Tuning Dialog will open.
  • Enter the Tuning name
  • Enter the Track

Adding Times

  • Enter the Time in Minutes:Seconds:Millis
  • You only have to use digits to enter the Time
  • By pressing the "Save Time" button, the time will be added.

Lap Time Overview

  • Precondition:
  • Filter the specific Class
  • Enter the Track and you will see the Recorded Lap Times in the List View
  • Good Luck. Now you can handle your Car selection in the Multiplayer even faster and more precise.
  • By pressing the X before entering a new Track you will gain more few Seconds... :-)

Edit or Delete Lap Times

  • By pressing the garbage you will delete the entered time. The tuning is still there.
  • By pressing the edit Button the App opens a Dialog for entering additional Data to the Laptime. --> Saving additional Information to a Lap Time

Saving additional Information to a Lap Time

  • Depending on the selection, the time is marked in color in the overview to indicate whether the time was a clean lap.


I put a lot of time into this project and would be grateful if you would support me by using the app. I hope the app gives you a little advantage when practicing our favorite hobby. DRIVING FAST DIGITALLY. :-) And if you want to add me as a friend on Xbox Live... SenseiHans is my nickname! :-) Greetings...


Special thanks go to the following people who supported me in the development of the app


Verena Hans

Tester / Counselor:

Marco Paulus
Familie Gärtner


Christian Hans